Hello, my name is Ben Attenborough and I’ve created this website in collaboration with Heather Edwards and the Come Singing team.
We’re delighted to announced we have been given a generous donation from the Norfolk Community Foundation to help with development of the website.
Heather asked me to write a few words about the direction of the website that this funding will enable.
My plan is to introduce a system whereby users can create profiles for different people (including themselves) which different memories can be attached to.
The ultimate idea is that users can than share these profiles with a carer who would then have access to the memories as well as a bit of information about the patient they are caring for. Of course it will be up to the user who they share information with and some thought will need to go into how to ‘vet’ carers.
Of course for many users this service will remain just as a way for them to store memories and will not be used by a carer. However these users may still want to share the information with other family members.
We are also looking to upgrade the site hosting. This is a bit technically but it should make the site quicker to ‘load up’ as well as keeping backups of the data to minimise the risk of the site losing information.
I will aim to keep you all aware of the project’s progress and of course if you have any suggestions for new features let me know by emailing [email protected] or [email protected]
Heather Edwards delivered a presentation on Music Mirrors at the inspire launch event at The Forum in Norwich.
Music Mirrors was featured in an article on About my area
An article on Music Mirrors has been written for the Eastern Daily Press.
Heather Edwards and Lisa Breame are delivering a session at the 24th Annual Conference of Alzheimer Europe which takes place in Glasgow, Scotland from 20-22 October 2014.